Indian Companies

Supporting Your Business

Sales , marketing and service support for west India

ANBS provides support for all your SALES, MARKETING and SERVICE needs by leading from the front. We will make required sales calls to your existing and potential customers, provide required service support, business development activities and give comfort to your customer that the local support is available.
We are your gateway to the market of west India if you are already not present or if you wish to strengthen your presence in West India region.
Companies who have markets in the west region but not yet ventured are to be benefitted with our Sales, Marketing and Service Support activities.
 Companies in the Machine Tool Industry, Capital Goods industry, Auto component / Auto Systems Industry and Industrial Products manufacturers would be immensely benefited with our services.
We will generate leads for you and complete the full cycle till order and payment receipt
ANBS provides by leading from the front, for all your sales, marketing and service from our Pune office. We will make required sales calls to your existing and potential customers , provide required service support , business development activities and give comfort to your customer that the local support is available.
We are your gateway to the market of west India if you are already not present or if you wish to strengthen your presence in West India region.
Companies who have market in the west region but not yet ventured are to be benefitted with our Sales, Marketing and Service Support activities.
 Companies in the Machine Tool Industry, Capital Goods industry, Auto component and Systems manufacturing and Industrial Products manufacturers would be immensely benefited with our services.
We will generate leads for you and complete the full cycle till order and payment receipt.

Team building and talent nurturing

Business is 90% PEOPLE philosophy ,made businesses like Eicher, Anand Group and HLL rise above the competition.

First thing that the ANBS focuses on, is the people involved in the business.
Identification of talent gap and filling it up is the starting point.

Inculcating the culture of TOTAL EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT and SENSE OF BELONGINGNESS are keys for the business to succeed. Soft skill developments, identification of future key personnel and their development are priorities. We provide soft skill training for all employees.
We help institutionalizing the incentive system that encourages the employees to move towards company goals and objectives.

Identification of training needs and setting a training calendar with measurements of the training effectiveness is what ANBS does as part of the key initiatives. 

Business is 90% PEOPLE philosophy ,made businesses like Eicher, Anand Group and HLL rise above the competition.
First thing that the ANBS focuses, on is the people involved in the business. Identification of talent gap and filling it up is the starting point.

Inculcating the culture of TOTAL EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT and SENSE OF BELONGINGNESS are keys for the business to succeed . Having soft skill developments, identification of future key personnel and their development are priorities. We provide soft skill training for all employees.

We help institutionalizing the incentive system that encourages the employees to move towards company goals and objectives.

Identification of training needs and setting a training calendar with measurements of the training effectiveness is what ANBS does as part of the key initiatives. 

Transformation of business thought process

We provide consultancy for transforming old legacies and culture with the todays and future requirements of the business needs.
Many companies with good brand and products but having old style of management are not able to grow and because of the competition loose on their top and bottom line.
Strategic change in their work culture, work ethics, Measurement of performance and work life balance are key to sustain in changing business needs.

ANBS studies the existing team , observes culture and decides the course of action .

We work on identifying the weak link among different business processes and pay special attention in strengthening these .
This could be a poor sales team, poor quality assurance team and systems, supply chain or Human resources .
ANBS work in tandem with the top management and help fix these gaps.


We have a tool by which we measure the performance of the business on monthly basis by assigning certain credits to different business processes miles stones and finding a cumulative result of all business processes performance.
This tool provides a very good and comprehensive MIS data and helps management take strategic decisions .

Would you like to start a project with us?

Etiam erat lectus, finibus eget commodo quis, tincidunt eget leo. Nullam quis vulputate orci, ac accumsan quam. Morbi fringilla congue libero.
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